At the 21st of December the duration of Sunlight reaches its minimal length and the world experiences the shortest day of the year only to embark on a new journey the very next day, a gradual increase of the duration of daylight that will reach its highest point, its zenith, at the 21st of June when this calendarian circle will be fulfilled and a new one will commence. This phenomenon has been degraded nowadays to a mare astrological incident superficially observed and poorly comprehended by the modern scientific world and, even worst, to a meaningless and alien occasion for the shallow thinking population of the western world. Despite the vanity and emptiness of moderns’ societies mentality this phenomenon is still capable of creating a sense of mystery, an unexplainable romantic sensation and a feeling of greatness lost in the distant past. The few people who still sacrifice some minutes to think about it find themselves on the threshold of a world too vast and too frightening to explore, where cosmic forces interact with humanity, where ancient Gods are still alive and lurking memories of a profound consciousness struggle to surface.
The Cosmic Drama of the Sun’s gradual death and resurrection is vitally connected to the existence and continuation of life on the planet and its importance exceeds the field of science and enters deep into the world of metaphysics ruled by divine Truth. In the ancient Indo-European cultures the Circle of The Sun was of great importance in all the levels of their activities both as a phenomenon that marked the continuation of the seasons granting and securing life on earth as well as a profound mystic experience vitally associated with the very foundations of their religious beliefs. It was the center of the Aryan mentality and surviving as a religious festivity the winter solstice, as well the summer solstice, remained a solid, distinctive characteristic of their culture wherever they migrated in their long and adventurous wanderings. It was the holiest occasion and celebration, which followed the Indo-Europeans in areas of the world so distant to each other as India and Scandinavia, Asia and southern Europe carrying within it the flame of the Northern Aryan Fatherland. As Walther Dare observes in his exquisite “Myth of The 20th Century” winter and summer solstice could only be important in far north geographical areas where the world experiences a long winter night and an analogous long summer daylight, where the coming of the sun and the growth of daylight is a truly revitalizing and vital phenomenon eagerly expected every year. Only in such distant northern areas the sun’s course in the sky could acquire such a practical as well as profoundly metaphysical importance that could allow it to be incorporated deeply in peoples’ cultures reminding thus that the Indo-European’s land of origin lies somewhere in the arctic circle, yet to be discovered.
The evidence of the Indo-European’s northern origin can be easily tracked within their traditions and legends. In the book of the ‘Greater Bundahishn” of the Avesta circle, the holly books of Zoroastrianism of the Persian-Aryan culture, the original Fatherland is remembered as an area where the Sun revolves around it like a crown and reverts in purity above the mountain Alburz, a trajectory seen only in distant northern areas of the planet. The Greeks in their mythology talk about the Hyperborea (the hyper north) the birth place of the Sun god Apollo which he visits every year spending there the season’s warm months. In the epic poem of Mahambarata of the Indo-Aryan traditions the mountain where heaven lies, mount Meru, is situated right under the Polar (Northern) Star even though the star’s significance in the cultures of the southern hemisphere is minimal because it is not visible from those lands
(The evidence that proves the northern origin of the Indo-Europeans is not limited merely to implications extracted from their traditions and literature but also from combining facts deriving from history, archeology, linguistics, tradition, mythology and religion consisting a sound theory that awaits its final proof, i.e. the discovery of the Ancestral Homeland. In the beginning of the 20th century such research was common and popular. After the end of the 2nd World War the Indo-European studies were gradually abandoned and nowadays is a field that nobody dares to sponsor or follow due to the tyranny of political correctness, a field even incriminated in some countries.)
The Winter Solstice sustained its significance along the centuries and even though its primary importance was forgotten or cast aside it remained a calendarian celebration adopted by all religions that substituted the traditional Indo-European religions given new names and disguises. Christianity was no exception. Even though it was imposed mostly by acts of violence (the only religion enforced by royal laws and orders wherever it was introduced) it never succeeded in abducing people from the festivity and was forced to assimilate it and reform it as it’s own into Christmas and beside the numerous Hebraic elements that were introduced plenty of traditional Aryan assets still survive, like the Christmas tree (Ygdrasil), the Bethlehem Star (the Polar Star), the birth of Jesus (the rebirth of the Sun).
Unfortunately what was not achieved through spiritual and physical infliction was achieved by time and forgetness The Winter Solstice, though, is not dependant on the ephemeral religious, social or political circumstances. The Winter Solstice is a cosmic event and belongs to the world of Ideas. It contains and transports the mystic qualities of the Sun, which never deteriorate but are only forgotten. Thus, the rediscovery of its meaning functions as an inner recollection of a higher, primordial consciousness that lies deep buried but not lost in the mentality of the Aryans. A revelation, an insight (a “theasis” as Goethe would put it) of a vibrant reality that provokes, and consists at the same time, a rebirth under the casting Olympian light of a new Truth. Rebirth into the ever-existing reality of the ideals, the values and principles that consist the very foundation of the Indo-European spirituality. When acquired and comprehended this consciousness introduces the enlightened man in a world that everything is meaningful, where answers are given and mysteries are solved as he observes and senses the Cosmos through the prism of the new Ideas that are now clear to him, where the vane and self-centered individual makes the initial step to surpass his ego that has been restraining him from evolving and fulfilling his inherited mental and physical potentiality and where he obtains the ability to localize the essence of things and not their disorientating, superficial cover.
The esoteric rebirth is a process not a moment and as in all processes a guiding, stable center of reference is necessary (like the star leading the three Magi to Bethlehem, the line guiding Theseus out of the Labyrinth and the Polar Star showing the way to mountain Meru to the Indo-Aryan warrior-king Judistheira and his brothers). Celebrating the Winter Solstice, meditating on its true meaning, under the guidance and protection of the Esoteric Sun assists and patronizes this metamorphosis (transformation). The enlightening is the end of a long and demanding process and the beginning of a new epoch in an Aryan’s life. Knowledge, facts, experiences and sparks of intuition that have been accumulating over the years inside the mind of the candidate mature and fight to manifest themselves through a coherent and overwhelming consciousness that will be the guiding light, the illuminant star in the night sky, in the reborn Aryan’s new life. This consciousness is an inner, vibrant experience difficult to be put in words and it is more sensed rather than comprehended in a modern scientific way and in order to be finally manifest after the preparation process it needs stimulants that aim directly to it. The Winter Solstice is such a stimulant and when it is really felt, seen and understood as a religious-mystic experience it can trigger of the transition from the simple, shallow, ego-consciousness that the average human has into the new consciousness of the reborn Aryan.
The Winter Solstice has nowadays lost its massiveness as a widespread, popular celebration but has acquired a more significant importance as a guiding, central ceremony in the awakening of the Aryan man as well as a calendarian occasion that reminds him of his path of duty and devotion to his Values, his Truth and his People. It is a reminder and at the same time a symbol of hope and expectance that fills those who cherish it with strength, tranquility and optimism for the future of the Cause. The European people and the Aryans worldwide have a reached a point struggling for their mere existence and strength and endurance are qualities they need the most. Both of these qualities are primarily spiritual (and secondarily physical) and require a source of inspiration that can quicken and enhance them. The Winter Solstice is such a source that binds us with the Cosmos, as we understand it, beyond time and space, that binds us with our Ideas, our Myths, our Heroes, our Strength and Spirituality. The Undefeated Sun ( the Mithraic Sol Invictus) is the protagonist in this Cosmic Drama marked by the Winter and Summer Solstices and his quickening, truthful light must illuminate our difficult but heroic journey on this planet.