Dear Delegates and friends,

Dear Mr. Pavel Tulaev,

It is an especial pleasure for me to be at an important Meeting together with Mr. Tulaev, three and a half years after my meeting with him at our own founding Conference for “ARMA” on Mt. Olympos.

Being not just of Hellenic descent but, inevitably and as deeply as to the marrow, of Hellenic inner constitution, I may have one more excuse for letting my natural inclination to essence and true philosophy take overhand. Your full attention shall, therefore, be necessary in order to get my point of view.

It is, no doubt, one of our primary tasks to sharpen and somehow enlighten the blunted, disorientated and systematically confused minds of our people, thus generating a new force of true Discrimination against the prevailing total Confusion.

I am thereby referring to Discrimination on different levels: Inner at all three levels and as a whole, conceptual, even scientific but in a much broader and deeper sense and, especially, on political level – meant both in national and in racial terms -, which again in its essential deployment is referred back to the esoteric background of the elite bound to undertake the realization of the political dimension of such an intrinsically clarifying view, in the combined double and full meaning of the term realization. This is also my first hint to the New Type of Man, as object and prerequisite at the same time of the regeneration of our Aryan Mankind.

Along that emerging Discrimination we can take full advantage of the ever advancing dissolution of old political notions, rendered useless by the now unfolding inner Truths – previously suspended by several layers of falsehood, gradually and rapidly falling off. The radical annihilation of all obsolete components of Falsehood and Negativity cannot be separated from an ever advancing and genuinely crystallizing inner Consciousness, whose prevailing at all levels really amounts to survival, true Freedom and essential Creativity for our Aryan Mankind.

In this regard our role as centers of Aryan consciousness and vigilant outposts of the horizon ahead of us shall be that of realizing and setting up the fundaments for the new potential Future for the totality of our Nations and for our Race as a whole.

Our mission is hence to be the bearers of this new perspective, whose actual and factual spiritual roots will inevitably mark and stamp the active potentiality of our Future. What is by “this” meant, is to be approximated in the following as a reference to the essence of our spiritual and biological identity, in as much as we view Politics as the highest act of self-realization, of self-becoming, as a faithful and daring heroic manifestation of our true, authentic self-determination and freedom. This is a course of becoming and being in highest, almost archetypal, powerful unity.

Referring to the potentialities of our Future as a Race, it is of primary importance to stipulate, that our species as an integral and unmolested spiritual and biological entity, within its own spectrum of tones and varieties, is to be our main reference and primary concern in itself.

The prospect of ennoblement thus set encompasses the formation, or rather recognition, of castes to be genuinely and properly enacted from their latent potential state, as limbs of an organic whole, naturally constituting a healthy, conscious and spiritually in itself centralized organism.

A proper and properly adjustable social stratification against a spiritually and biologically determined background will therefore be of fundamental importance. That must be seen in the whole frame of a radical overthrow and restoration to the upright and upward position of the prevailing negative direction of the present era, be it viewed in spiritual, psychological, political or sociological – even in physiological – terms, as a parallel total orientation – upwards. That is also the deepest strong conveyance of the Tyr rune (), which is incorporated in the emblem for our association (Bund, in german), ARMA.

That project shouldn’t be conceived of as an instantly achievement but, on the contrary, as an ever pursued ideal, the ideal of self-becoming, to become ourselves under the historically and cosmically actual potentialities, which are to be properly conceived, realized and directed by us.

All this has to be carried out under a vigilant consciousness which is genuine and entangles, if possible, as in a ceremonially unlimited way, the whole potential of the Aryan God-Man, in Being and in Becoming, as the most authentic manifestation of our Archetypal heavenly root of which Plato speaks – notably also outlining the organic and spiritual background of the traditional Aryan triple division of the Community – once we also have just mentioned the due social stratification into castes:

Plato [Timaios, 90a]

We have frequently asserted that there are housed within us in three regions three kinds of soul, and that each of these has its own motions; so now likewise we must repeat, as briefly as possible, that the kind which remains in idleness and, with regard to its own motions, stays in repose, necessarily becomes weakest, whereas the kind which exercises itself becomes strongest; [90a] wherefore care must be taken that they have their motions relatively to one another in due proportion. And as regards the most lordly kind of our soul, we must conceive of it in this wise: we declare that God has given to each of us, as his daemon, that kind of soul which is housed in the top of our body and which raises us up from earth towards our heavenly spring and essence — while we are not an earthly but a heavenly plant. And herein we speak most truly; for it is by suspending our head and root from that heavenly region whence the first substance of our soul came that the Divine Power keeps upright our whole body.

Elsewhere Plato relates those three regions of the body housing the three main kinds of soul with the three main classes of the State (or Community), a treat so typically common among Aryans, well known in their Roman, Celtic, Indian/Iranian, Slavic and Germanic branches; in the latter we have it as a symbolic tale given by the Icelandic poem Rigsthula about three encounters of the god Heimdal or Rig with couples of different nature, thus giving birth to the three archetypal figures for the three castes, under the names Jarl, Karl and Thraell respectively.

All that is no arbitrary assumption or convention – but mere recognition of sheer reality, to be truly seen, recognized and accumulated [erkannt], of which ignorance is a deadly sign of lethargy – or democracy.

The deliberate and systematic blinding and confusion of our people regarding fundamental truths, realities and, primarily, the disruption of the overall functioning of man as a natural, cosmic and spiritual entity, being paramount to the very fundament of a long and nowadays culminating Decadence, must be opposed by a total regeneration of our Aryan Mankind to a new godlike high manifestation of its enormous potentialities. Such regeneration should be based on recognition and enactment of the proper, natural functioning of the whole perceptive and bodily constitution, allowing true perception, discrimination and clarification. I do conceive our position, action and work as preparatory, instructive and fundamental to this goal.

It is important to ascertain our particular capacities and potentials as to this essential higher objective – also locally, in national and organizational terms. This goal is unifying, based upon our deepest and racially determined common spiritual source and background.

Around this higher eugenic goal should our Political Planning centralize itself, thus achieving not only inner unity and coherence but also spiritual and cosmic validity and existence. That has to be our true and constant cornerstone.

On such a spiritual fundament and in full unbroken Consciousness, our supreme forceful will has to form and carry out its dynamic Manifestation, as the historically concrete course of Self-realization in the prescribed sense.

That is Politics in its highest meaning, as a truly genuine and indeed sacred continuous elevation of the Action to the Level of true Freedom.

It’s a matter of species perfection, dynamic moulding and its establishment as the main factor over the World.

That does, of course, include recognition and abortion of our sick, alienated or otherwise degenerate parts. Eugenics must be the center of our Politics.


[Moral enthrallment]

One of the most urgent and tangible effects of such a regeneration will αλσο be the restoration to its proper, upright direction of the inverted «morality», «morality» now conductive of dissolution, of giving up our sound instincts and feelings, of confusion, of lethargy and of inversion of our values: a fatal inversion, tending to total insanity and derailment by distortion of our proper, sound attitude and action thus having turned it against ourselves, against our very existential core, our most authentic identity, even against our proper perceptive faculty and objectivity in general and, in particular, against the proper perception of our Duty objectively, that is, of ourselves as spiritual, cosmic and biological entities and as a higher Mankind, even at the level our most elementary biological component. That fundamental, even in obvious elementary terms, derailment amounts to incompatibility with the basics of Nature and the basics of a mere survival in it, an actual incompatibility and current incompetence of which everybody in this room is perfectly aware. This sickness at all levels, be it instinctive, pertaining to the feelings [gefühlsmässig], mental or intellectual, has selectively and deliberately befallen our Race mainly, our own Mankind, thus leading to fatal inner cracks in it – at all levels and as a whole.

Quite to the contrary, our new moral codes must be selective and aristocratic in their fundamental constitution, cohesively based upon sound instincts, naturally eugenic feeling [Gefühl] and thinking combined with a higher degree and level of consciousness.

It cannot be overstressed that, no cure or remedy could be meaningful in the end, unless it be based on such a total and in all depth recognition of the roots of the present fatal disease – paired with a profound accumulation of the fundaments of the new type of Man.


Turning to the present political canvas, one can only confirm the absence of any truly European national policy, not even to think of a policy based upon true European character and philosophy. The whole complex of current ideas and practices is permeated by unnatural liberal doctrines and assumptions plus the meanwhile accumulated inertia of all falseness and negativity catalyzed by the liberal mentality. When one adds to it the judaization combined with the American-Zionistic surveillance on the cultural as well as the political level, then we get pretty close to the content of the especially since the end of the Great War well established «Pax Judaica».

Since the collapse of the communist regimes a new field of moral, political and economical exploitation was opened up for zionistic americanism; referring to that, there is such an ongoing display of abhorrent servility toward the zionistic «bosses» and their lackeys, so as to make one wonder, whether not really any elementary national or personal dignity or even assumption thereof has been left among some peoples. An extreme occasion of such a slave-like display have we recently been watching, when during Bush’s visit to Bulgaria the local prime minister protested why his country shouldn’t as well be chosen for placing the new ballistic missiles; an unbelievable instance of unharnessed zionist-american arrogance in itself.

However, with or without good pretexts, servility and slavish subordination in the form, more or less, of essentially satellite governments is the general state of present day “European” politics in its zionistic dependency. In reality there may not even be spoken of Politics, in as much as integrity and independence are crucially fundamental traits of any Policy deserving its name.

At this particular time, we see for example Angela Merkel and Nicola Sharcogy to rival in submissiveness so as to earn themselves the title of authorized first representative of USA interests in Europe. We do not, therefore, talk of replacing any current European or White Policy but of promoting and initializing it in the first place.

Today’s political establishment of European Union is an overtly suicidal one, fully yoked to the zionistic imperative of flooding and drowning the whole white world in an ever growing and reinforced coloured mass invasion. This shamefully self-negating treasonous attitude is, meanwhile, being promoted as a consequence of their so highly celebrated “humanistic ideals” and hypocritical morality; no less for that reason, this attitude as a political pledge has to be deemed in real political terms – and in view of them, it does simply amount to a clear commitment to the ongoing genocide on our Aryan Mankind: a unique genocidal procedure, with the hypnotized victim’s pathetic consent, lending it an intrinsic stroke of a shameful suicide, as connected with a moralized insane abolishment of our own identity: a zionistically instructed collective suicide, an abhorrent self offering as a martyr on the Semitic alter of political correctness!

The peculiarity of this particular subordinance to the zionistic USA is, hence, that it is thoroughly and inextricably rooted into the entire materialistic and selectively rational complex of non-organic, anti-natural way of thinking and living, of an overall spineless attitude and entire constitution, of a blatant welfare-individualistic mindset, of a deeply anti-heroic miserable character – while the ideal of the hero is systematically being maligned and shamelessly ridiculed by infamous hosts of empty minded but extremely conceited feminists and boasting «rationalists».


This whole complex being a deep existential disease, implies that any serious attempt to talk them to soundness and true reason at a rather academic level would be a waste of energy and a sign of inadequate understanding of things on our part too, in the shadow of an academic rationalism that prevents any genuinely and forcefully deeper penetration into the nature and trully enlightening realization of things in general.

The platonic Ideas as genuine essences have been reduced, in this inshrinking rationalization process, to mere degenerated artificial concepts, in the sway of a confused and by its very definition superficial subjectivism. This subjectivism, being the brand mark of the whole democratic/humanistic derailment, seeks to set up a fake sense of objectivity based on the least common denominator, upon the mediocre conceivability by the masses, in lack of any inner sight andrealization and in a total bagatelization of any keen, originally ingenious intuition – which is thus subordained and subverted to the massive superficial literate/intellectual “illumination”: it is the “intellectual” masses/mob that have duly been cut off their organic substance at all levels and derailed toward an extrovert superficiality – toward the spiritually inertialized, essentially castrated and so stupidly self-conceited modern intellectualism.

In vain should one attempt to unite this futile intellectualism with true virtue of character or with the sound instincts; intellectualism is an artificial, lifeless monstrous reduction, a fateful shrinkage to its surface only and a deep degeneration of the Spirit, catalyzing the safe annihilation of both character and instincts as well as of genuine understanding and intuition. It opens up for the realm of convention, intimidation, subordination and total enslavement – the totality of that enslavement being meant in terms of loss of inner integrity and true freedom – of the authentic inner identity, meant as an ideal and a dynamical self-realization.

That all of that derailment is so often being referred back to ancient Hellas is certainly no fault of the ancient Hellenes – not even of the Hellenes of later times, the Turkish rule over us for some critical centuries taken into account. The Neoplatonic line of thought, the most magnificent comprisal of authentic and unabridged Aryan teaching, having reached even through a religiously fully distorted Byzantium to such celestial peaks and such brilliant figures as Georgios Plethon and Vessarion, over to the Florence School and Fizzino, Scottus Erigena and Meister Eckehart, Goethe, Schiller and the absolutely heavenly Richard Wagner, has not been sufficient against onrushing Entropy so as to hold back the bulk of the degenerative flow: a very democratic flow, one drying all essence out and sticking to the mere formal dead frame, often also disguised even under the mantle of massive education and of liberation from religious dogmatism in the so-called “enlightened” rationalistic direction – with too poor inner equipment.

So, the pretext of liberation from religious dogmatism has so often been used in conjunction to a rather superficial view of things in general – hence, only to succumb to a new and much subtler set of inorganic artificial doctrines under the mantle of an “enlightened humanism”, which bans the very inner fundaments of any higher intuition and of discrimination – even the most elementary ones – in the course.

Discrimination which, according to Plutarch, is the highest of all virtues! Substituting rigid doctrines, just as under christian dogmatism indeed, for intuition, for discrimination and for instinct, this new mutated form of the negative forces has rendered all genuine wisdom and intelligence, any instinctively direct knowledge and all our inherited virtue utterly useless, except for technology oriented fragments and for projects related to near-sighted egoistic convenience.

Thus, the one dogmatism, the Christian, paved the way to a new and much subtler but at least equally destructive one!


Hence, the NEW TYPE OF MAN must be able to free himself off the yoke of rationalistic futility, empowered by a higher intelligence that will be the crone of a harmonized column of natural character, will, discipline and sound instincts.

He shall be characterized by a truly radical abolishment of the whole complex of the previous derailment, as the fruit of an inner quest, guided by the organic Communities/States that we must establish. That is an absolute prerequisite for a total resurrection of the archetypal Aryan humanity.

The latter should give the direction of our Political Ideal, in Cosmic Harmony between inner and outer, between higher and lower – with the proper, instead of the now inverted, relationship between them and, cohesively, with the upward, cosmically valid and organically strong direction instead of the current blind self-squandering, self-degeneration and self-extinction.

All of which is now being carried out by the negative forces even under the monstrous pretence that they aren’t dealing with any collective realities and issues, being only concerned with abstract individual “human rights” for their enslaved tiny individual zeroes – which, after “proper” schooling, overwhelming subliminal suggestion and systematic brain wash, are desolated and devastated in their innermost constitution, uprooted and deprived of their natural community and racial feeling – hence, of their ability to form any true organic unit: they have, thus, no chance for either political or personal freedom! So, for the politically correct, intellectually schooled modern sheep of the System, there can be no important issue of choice: simply because not even the notions and any naturally corresponding conceptual background, say for the mere registering of such immense and all-apparent realities, is being granted place for existence or air to breath by those boasting representatives of “freedom and tolerance” in their dogmatically, conveniently somehow for their status quo and “safely” rationalized flat world-view!

But even for the case that it, nevertheless, might be brought up by some untrained users, they have the tremendous moral apparature, so effectively deepened and widened after the unlucky outcome of WWII, to brandish over any sinful undisciplined minds – with all the prescribed suggestions of this so subtly all-pervasive democratic Purgatory.

The intolerant, bloodthirsty Jahve of the biblical prophets has thus gradually imposed a new reign, unfortunately with deep roots and all-over widespread tentacles!


To leave the artificial “realities” of a dead era and return to the Truths, a new, deeply and completely eugenic prospect in its total and broadest spiritual and biological sense must be the compass of a new High Policy.

That should now go along with a new notion of force (I mean new in current political terms, of course) and with much subtler, essentially meant, criteria of power – not only inside the particular countries but already also at our just here initiated Federal pan-Aryan level.

And here is also the turning point to the whole Idea; an Idea whose breakthrough will be paramount to the survival and the true regeneration of our whole Race. A worldwide Aryan consciousness and association combined with a Euro-Russian Federation as a world-political, racially conscious Center must be our political goal for the next decades.

In power political terms, Russia is mainly the last bastion for a future White Policy, in local as well as in global terms. It will, therefore, be of absolutely crucial and primary importance to forward and establish racial consciousness and identity especially inside Russia major.

A renewed Political Will with very deep roots, in full meaning, is the only alternative to our annihilation: we are now truly faced with the ultimate alternatives: null or infinity!

Once more shall we aim at the stars with our spear – and we can reach them, since infinity is in the quintessence of our true existence as Aryans. We only need to recall and come to ourselves!

When I came out of the Domodedovo airport to the free sky I was overwhelmed with an objective feeling of such an inner certainty: Here is the place where the forthcoming Empire of the Aryans will be born! The Empire of the Sky, steered by its highest expression – that expression that is now a latent possibility among the best parts our peoples, now being in deep lethargy. They will wake up, at the very last moment – and we must be the catalysts of that awakening! An awakening to Life, to Ourselves, to the Future – and to Cosmos. In this spirit of high racial consciousness and combative readiness before our unique mission, I am finishing thus:

Long live Russia, long live our immortal Aryan Spirit and species – for a New Europe, an awakened and reborn Aryan Mankind – in a New World!