Setting the Record Straight

Comments on the book : “Setting the Record Straight”
                                      Letters from Cell 7
                                      By political prisoner Ernst Zuendel

“A thousand will be hacking at the branches to one who is striking at the root”

The story and the struggle of Ernst Zuendel is more or less known to the conscientious people who are brave and wise enough to understand and face the hideous, manipulative plan of oppression that a ruthless minority has inflicted to the western world after the end of the Great War. This article’s aim is not to present the Zundel case to the world, as we think that it is an obligation of every white patriot to become and remain informed on the unprecedented legal, psychological and physical persecution of a man who dared to challenge his overpowering enemies and shake the foundations of the postwar greatest lie-the “Jewish Holocaust”.

In this book the reader has the unique opportunity to get to know the other side of Ernst Zundel. Zuendel beyond the legal conflicts and the worldwide press covered legal cases he has participated in. Zuendel beyond the Leuchter Report and the “Holocaust” trials, despite the obvious difficulties to avoid automatically relating to all these when hearing his name. After all this is his heritage and priceless contribution to the fight for the liberation of the Aryans. In this exciting book the reader will be introduced to the inner motivation that inspires Zundel, to his profound philosophical abilities to see beyond the surface and palpate the very heart of every issue he focuses on. The reader will become familiarized with his thoughts on historical issues, metaphysics, ecology, tradition, race and his proposing formula for the future welfare of his nation and his race through a pleasant and very careful presentation of his mail exchange with his wife, friends and supporters, so skillfully put together that the book can be read with one breath!
Ernst Zuendel is above all a genuine patriot. An intelligent, brave, incisive but yet peaceful man that has felt the sacred obligation, the Duty to stand up for his people and for the Truth, regardless the consequences to his personal life. Hardly ever can a man relate to the Truth so powerfully, feel it inside so clearly and sacrifice his personal well being in a manner that should be an example for us all. -“There are some people who are born slaves and will remain slaves all their lives-slaves to their personality, slaves of habits etc. You can say what you will and think anything you want about me, but remember one thing before you sneer, snicker or judge too harshly I could have lived a very comfortable life in wealth and in luxury, in safety and security, even in fame- rather than being infamous, marginalized and demonized! Don’t think I blindly stumbled into this stuff! I did think before I acted-but I am not paralyzed by fear….I felt responsible for most of my adult life to defend the reputation and the will of an entire generation before the altar of history. Had I not stood up and spoken up, I would have felt that I betrayed a sacred trust and obligation which ties me and unites me to those who died at Stalingrad, at Normandy, on the ocean bottom in their steel coffins called submarines. I felt the sacrifice. You don’t. I could end my troubles with one letter or one phone call to my tormentors. Some of us are not made like that.” E. Zuendel, Letter to a boyhood friend, Kevin.
The clarity of his beliefs and the piece of his mind grants Zuendel an almost clairvoyance ability to comprehend today’s political facts and relate them to history, unfolding thus an exciting analysis of the ongoing international political scene and foreseeing the progress of the Israel issue in relation to European people and especially Germans. He dares, though, to make a step ahead and infiltrate the mentality of the Jewish people, in search of the motives and the forces that hide behind and feed their actions. Psychology, religion and history are used so elegantly and effectively that his writings about the “mind race” as he enjoys calling the Jewish people (quoting from A. Hitler) is a part that the reader must study thoroughly.
Nevertheless, Zuendel presents a “holistic therapy”, a plan for the rebirth of his people. A formula that focuses on the most basic and fundamental characteristics of a race and proposes a right-from-the-beginning act that will cure and restore the mental and physical health of our “slaggy” race and, thus, restore its unique abilities, features and eventually its predestinated position in the universe. A schema including ecology, nutrition, education, religion. A total reevaluation of our way of life for a total revival of the Aryan man that will stem and will be guided from a new faith, an esoteric voice, a mighty inspiration of cosmic origin.
“Our new faith must be cosmic in scope and eternal in duration” E. Zuendel
He conscientiously believes that the German revolution of the 1930’s was aiming exactly to that and that his proposal is the natural continuity of a job left undone and a vision, that millions of people shared, left unfulfilled.
Zuendel explains the methodology and the aims of Historical Revisionism making also a statement that everybody must keep in mind when dealing with the “Holocaust”, the post war new international “religion” as he calls it. “There is lots of important work to be done-vastly more important than poking on the ruins of Auschwitz for a few more decades. We must not fall for it. We must resist it. We must warn against the temptation to work over familiar ground, to split hairs and argue points already argued to exhaustion. We have proven all there is to prove-the ‘Holocaust’, depicted as some form of genocidal aberration, never happened. Read and ye shall find” E. Zuendel, Letter to a supporter in France.
This way he sends a message of the greatest importance to comrades, sympathizers, supporters and neutrals all over the world. A message that opens the era ‘After the fall of the Lie’. The case has been proven false and what is important is what happens next. How are we going to use the evidence, the knowledge, the means available and the experience to make the next steps to the Holistic Revival of the Aryan Race, because E rnst Zundel was brave enough to make the first and most difficult one.
This is the very essence of the book and that’s why it must not be just read, but studied and felt!