We have, long now, reached a turning point regarding the very survival of Aryan Europe that demands immediate actions and allows no excuses and no holding back! The Decadence of the West is now approaching its catastrophical climax. A pending, fatal threat lies now on our threshold, aiming not only against our race’s mental, spiritual and materialistic-technical accomplishments but against the existence of the Aryan Race itself! No other problem is today more imminent and threatening than the unprecedented in flood of negroes, asians, arabs and pakistan-indians in our sacred European fatherland caused and allowed by the treasonous governments and their puppets that have been leading Europe after the end of the Great War. Simultaneously, the ethical decadence, the undermining of the traditional family values, the unnatural “equalization” of the sexes( feminism) and the disgusting inactivity of the white man have, among others, caused a fatal decrease of our birth rates that eventually will lead to the extinction of the already endangered White Race.
This soon coming destruction will be accelerated by the entrance of Turkey in the European Union, a huge problem that has not received the attention it deserves! The only countries that still stand against it are Germany and France (while all the others-including Hellas- are for it!) but it is only a matter of a few years that their denial will be bent. Almost all of the European parliament members answered, when asked, that only some things must be fixed regarding human rights and the Turkish economy before this mongolic nation becomes a full member of the union.
Unfortunately only a few can fully understand the consequences of that.
The Turks were a Mongolic tribe that invaded Minor Asia during the 8th century a.c. Minor Asia belonged then to the Hellenic- Byzantium Empire (Eastern Empire) that was created after the decline of the Roman Empire and the transportation of the capitol city to Constantinople during the 4th century ac. Eventually they acquired power and at the 13th century Minor Asia was almost completely conquered by them. At 1453 the glorious Constantinople fell in their hands and a 400-year occupation of Hellas followed. The turks continued conquering the Balkans and attacking Vienna but failed (3milion turks live now in Germany and Austria without a shot having been ever fired!). For the past 1200 years Hellas has been a wavebreaker against them, protecting Europe but paying the price.
These third world barbarians will soon get civilian rights all over Europe and will immigrate in huge numbers (50mil. Turks live in Turkey and a great deal under the line of poverty). Europe will be flooded as never before, huge areas will be colonized, key places will be taken over and their numbers will only increase while they multiply like rabbits! Hellas will be the first victim and their ancient plant of destroying that land will be finally fulfilled without war! But, no country is safe. They will choose to live in countries with the best social providence and Scandinavia will get a huge part of them accelerating the destruction process of the Holly North.
Comrades and friends! I urge you to study the history of the combat between Europe and Turkey and find out your selves. I urge you to focus practically and passionately against the entrance of the turkmongols in the E.U.! The threat is imminent and demands action.