German HDJ (Patriotic German Youth) was banned

“German far-right group banned”  (Euro News  Tuesday, 31 March 2003)
BERLIN — A far-right German youth organization has been banned,
accused of spreading Nazi propaganda. Police raided addresses
used by the group, called Heimattreue Deutsche Jugend, or Patriotic
German Youth, which claims hundreds of members.

Berlin described it as a cornerstone of the extreme right with links 
to the National Democratic Party.  The German Interior Minister
Wolfgang Schaeuble said children must be protected from the
group’s nauseating activities.

“This shows we are determined to fight neo-Nazism, right-wing extremism
and xenophobia,” he said. “This is a disgusting  organization which tries
to seduce young people into neo-Nazism  using the cover of leisure activities.
We will crack down on that  with the full weight of the law.”

The HDJ is the latest incarnation of another banned group called Viking,
which [allegedly] tried to indoctrinate children against Jews and foreigners
at summer camps. Schaeuble banned two more  groups last May, calling
them “reservoirs of Holocaust® deniers.”

Viking was banned 14 years ago for similar reasons. Its memorabilia
features slogans and symbols on the very edge of legality in  Germany. 
For example the Swastika is outlawed, so the groups  use an altered version.  

Recent figures make alarming reading: it’s claimed that one in five 
of 15-year old German youths have links with the far-right.

What a contrast — our world and “theirs”! 
Health, and disease.  Racial life, and racial death. 
A vibrant New Order, and a sick and dying old one.

The contrast couldn’t be more striking.
We’ve got work to do!

Culture and Youth Style unacceptable in Germany:

“The Jew  War Inciter,  War Prolonger”
(If you think that perhaps you need to be banned too)


Culture and Youth Style acceptable in Germany: