RUDOLF HESS: The Witness

Twenty-two years ago he was murdered.
Forty-one years earlier, standing before his
accusers, he uttered these words:

“I regret nothing.  If I were to begin all over again,
I would act again as I did—even if I knew that what
awaited me in the end was the stake at which I was
to be burned alive.  It makes no difference what men
may do to me.  One day I shall stand before the
judgment seat of the Eternal.  To Him I shall answer;
and I know that He will pronounce me innocent.”

He was known as the conscience of the Movement.
He stood closer to the Führer than any other man.
He tried to stop a tragic war among Aryan kindred.
His name was—RUDOLF HESS.

On the 17th day of August, 1987 / JdF-98—after
spending nearly a half century in a lonely prison
cell—he was foully murdered by the powers of
Darkness on this Earth.

And so, on this Day of Witness, we again pause
to pay solemn homage to the eternal memory of
this hero and martyr and pledge ourselves anew
to the Holy Cause for which he fought.