”Hjernevask” – ”Brainwashing”, an unraveling norwegian documentary series (english/german subtitles)/Πλῦσις Ἐγκεφάλου

Ἀνταποκρινόμενος στὴν ὑπόσχεσίν μου κατὰ τὸν διάλογον τῆς Θεσσαλονίκης (https://www.armahellas.com/?p=17522 , πρὸς τὸ τέλος), ἀνεβάζω ἐδῶ τοὺς συνδέσμους γιὰ τὴν σειρὰ τῶν 7 ἀποκαλυπτικῶν ταινιῶν-ἐρευνῶν τοῦ ἐξαιρετικοῦ νορβηγοῦ δημοσιογράφου Harald Eia ὑπὸ τὸν γενικὸν (καὶ ἀκριβῆ!) τίτλον – “Hjernevask” ἤτοι, “Πλῦσις Ἐγκεφάλου”. Μὲ ἀγγλικούς, εἰς δὲ τὸ 1ον μέρος καὶ μὲ γερμανικούς, ὑποτίτλους.

Στ. Γκ.

Hjernevask (Brainwash) is a Norwegian popular science documentary series that aired on Norwegian television in 2010. The series, produced by Harald Eia and Ole Martin Ihle, was completed in seven episodes consisting of controversial interviews with Norwegian and foreign researchers who, interestingly but not surprisingly, have totally opposite views on the nature versus nurture debate, according to whether they are scientists or academic comissars of the politically correct Social Marxism: in the latter case they expostulate not only with all true science but also with common sense in utter shamelessness, only backed by the treasonous System, instead of any reasonable or scientific justification.

These extraordinarily important and critically actual dialogues unravel the falsity of the pretentious defenders and servants of the ”political correctness” – and of their comical and imbecile ”arguments”…

After their ridiculous self-exposition, intensively exuding undefeatable idiocy and slavish indoctrination, the involved academic paragons of White Peoples᾿ mental castration, those highly privileged ”esteemed professors” (in Social Marxism!!!) of decadent Norway, especially the one of sociology Willy Pedersen and the fabulous and unsurpassed ”Kjønnforsker” (…sex-researcher!!!/Geschlechtsforscher) Jørgen Lorentzen (the gentleman here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQRcv9FNE4w&index=2&list=PLILCGNCTWDkW1s034_nDjDdQUl3lzFHRD reacted clumsily after their transmission, and postulating equally false pretexts as they are usually upholding… The last-mentioned raised a case against Harald Elia and the channel (NRK) before Pressens Faglige Utvalg (PFU) (Professional Comitee of the Press) – but he lost the case (it should be apparent)! See http://www.tv2.no/a/3884107 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UuUeFpddibE&index=3&list=PLILCGNCTWDkW1s034_nDjDdQUl3lzFHRD  – only in norwegian).

Part 1 – The Gender Equality Paradox

Harald Eia: Gehirnwäsche: Das Gleichstellungsparadox (Deutch Untertitel)

2: Brainwash: The Parental Effect

3 : Brainwash: Gay/Straight

4: Brainwash: Violence

5: Brainwash: Sex

6: Brainwash: Race

7: Brainwash: Nature or Nurture

(We do also recommend also “Prof. Steve Jones: ‘Nature or Nurture?” in the same context)