Swedish Youth: Frågor Till Far (Questions to my father)


A short film, while a nice Youth song playing in the background with questions by a swedish child to its father, containing scenes with some schocking views from the actual reality of the multiracial Chaos, previous generations have promoted/allowed, rolling forth… 
Since year 2000 the population in Sweden has increased by 864.563 – a very misleading feature, if taken isolated: Because the truly Swedish population has actually DECREASED by 116.810, while foreigners (mainly non-europeans) have increased by 981.373. Features are much worse, if we view the actual numbers among the younger sections of population – features ever accelerating to the totally wrong and absurd direction, with mathematical certainty resulting into the annihilation of SWEDEN as a particular racial and national community!
The parallel cultural change is also tremendous on every aspect, as a consequence of the upturned demographics… For example in 1975, with much less foreigners then, there were 
421 rapes. In 2014? 6294 – close to 20 daily!!! And the numbers are getting worse and worse…
While people are finally beginning to wake up, with ARMA’s sister-movement NMR (Nordiska Motsands Rörelse) as the spearhead of the fight of the waking Swedes, the traitors who are in charge are now thinking of ways to change the laws, so as to forbid truly patriotic and racially conscious expressions and organizations!  
That may very well turn against themselves however…
And it is also a clear sign of beginning panic on the side of white racial traitors! 
… A very good sign, indeed!