Überall also, wo etwas Typisches und Typenzeugendes aufsteht, wirkt der Mann als die zeugende Ursache. Zwei der größten männlichen Akte der Geschichte aber heißen Staat und Ehe.
Der Staat ist nirgends die Folge eines gemeinsamen Gedankens von Mann und Frau gewesen, sondern das Ergebnis des auf irgendeinen Zweck zielstrebig eingestellten Männerbundes.
Der erste, überall in der Welt entstehende Zweckverband ist der Zusammenschluß der Krieger einer Sippe, eines Stammes, einer Horde zwecks gemeinsamer Sicherung gegen eine fremde feindliche Umwelt. Beim Unterjochen des einen Stammes durch einen anderen wurde auch der eine besiegte kriegerische Zweckverband dem anderen, siegenden eingegliedert. So entstand der erste Keim des unbewußt in der Idee vorhandenen Zweckverbandes “Staat”.
Alles, was wir gleichnishaft mit Rom, Sparta, Athen, Potsdam bezeichnen, nimmt vom kriegerischen Männerbunde seinen Ausgang.
Aber auch das ganze staatliche Wesen Chinas, Japans, Indiens, Persiens, Ägyptens beruht auf diesem Urgrunde, der unter ruhigeren äußeren Verhältnissen dann einen verschiedenartigen Charakter erhielt, jedoch im Kern stets ein Männerbund blieb: und das bis zum Untergang der einen oder anderen Kultur. Den Untergang aber bedeutete die Auflösung des Gedankens eines männlichen Zuchtsystems, einer männlichen typenbildenden Norm.
Anfred Rosenberg (Der Mythus des 20. Jahrhunderts)
Thus everywhere that something concerning types, and type forming, arises, the male is operative as the creative cause. Two of the greatest male acts of all time are called State and Marriage.
The State has nowhere been the consequence of a common thought of men and women, but the fruit of the will and activity of a male association, a formation, a brotherhood of purposefully acting, consciously toward a goal oriented men.
The first purposeful association that arose anywhere in the world was the groups and formations of warriors of a clan, or tribe, or horde. It was formed for the purpose of creating a common security against a hostile alien environment. In the subjugation of one tribe by another, the defeated league of warriors was incorporated into the victorious one. Thus the first germ of the unconsciously as an idea then already formed deliberate and organized community of the State arose.
Everything that we view as kind of paradigm about Rome, Sparta, Athens and Potsdam has been launched by some league of warrior men. The bases of the state systems of China, Japan, India, Persia and Egypt also rest upon this primal ground which, under calmer external conditions, received a different kind of character. In its core, however, it always remained an allied league of men, even until the decline of one or the other culture. But decline signified the dissolution of the idea of a male system of training, of a male, type forming, norm.
The spine of any race, any nation, even more of any State deserving its name as such one is made up by its men. The overall level, condition, forming power, character and reputation of the men is paramount for moulding the character, the dynamic and the viability or not of the society, of the state, of the nation, of the race.
It is therefore no coincidence, that the white males are being so intensely targeted and fired at by all means and from all those sides, who either by nature or through degeneration and instrumentalization in the hands of our natural racial enemies behave as being in a total war against white men and white masculinity, and this with such a fierce hatred, combined with devilish cunningness, that the weakened and intensely degenerated modern white male is usually more or less succumbing to that pressure, in despair and more or less in confusion mumbling and excusing, in accordance with the characteristic of our era critical lack of courage and clarity.
Sometimes he even lets himself be driven away with the overwhelming foamy waves of feminist furious lunacy, trying to balance and ridiculously dance on them, while he through his attitude and behaviour is showing off to be kind of a spineless and by constitution nothing to be afraid or cautious of neutralized (/tamed) creature, to be nothing than a harmless submissive spoil in the total disposition of the subtly or grossly dominant Furies. This has in many cases become typified, that is, how such a neutralized de-masculinized male becomes demonstrative of his overall weakness and harmlessness! Such paradigms of weakness and inferiority, both as general and as particular unmanly traits, for example like demonstratively lisping, walking with small quick steps, chatting meaninglessly about nothing essential and so on, do then become idealized as ”iconic” (the pop-stars being characteristic cases, who even put the virus of disruption of manliness in the language and its pronunciation as a subtle bearer of qualities and essences).
Thus modern man is more or less unworthy to be a man and unable to basically fathom the true depth and nature of this general attack on and systematic degradation and erosion of masculinity, let alone become conscious of the fundamental clash of underlying cosmic qualities, as well as the corresponding racial confrontation, between chthonic inferior cunningness on the one side and the Apollonian manly clarity and the unpretending superiority on the other. Modern man is gradually even losing his basic ability to properly recognize and evaluate such differences even at the basic instinctive level – which also remains his best chance to grasp it right, in lack of any deeper spiritual insight, and then again only in the (exceptional…) case that his manly instincts are relatively intact. Thus modern dehumanised colourless individuals get inferior not just to people with sound instincts, but even to animals in Nature.
On the other hand, anyone of the scarce remaining embodiments of traditional manly character and virtue are being vehemently attacked and slandered in every thinkable, or even … unthinkable, way especially by the totally derailed and completely deranged feminists, and much worse by the various nauseous modalities of that broad LGBT-sprectrum of miserable psychopaths with their peculiar sordid means, often adhered by various pathetic ”metrosexual” or so half-males, who are nowadays tending to be the vast male majority…
So, from these remarks it becomes already clear that the central issue of the total derailment of modern western societies has two poles of derailment, as if it were, and it would be fully mistaken to solely concentrate on the part of the chaotic feminists and their ever broadening psychopathic rage, rather than simoultaneously looking at the degeneration of the males too…
It is the harmonious, strong and fully true to his nature man, who can save the derailed woman – the woman, who may then become an alchemical catalyst for the perfection of both, through the restoration of the omnipotent oneanother reinforcing primeval polar forces!
We must instead realize that this derailment is the shadow, the dark, negative reality, which belongs to the realm of what the early Greek philosophers called Non-Being (μὴ ὄν) – mainly brought about through the crucial absence of the core Being, which is akin to the celestial, the Apollinian level of solar character: Which is the true, central manly character, from which all subsequent manifestations emanate. It is this character that naturally becomes the protagonist of the scene, the heroic warrior who would only be able to restore sanity and order. When other categories occupy the central scene of action or publicity, then according to the degree of deviation History is ostracized – or, rather, nations and groups are ostracized out of History, tending to live in a parody of History instead as mere shadows of themselves: We live in the total extremity of this deviation in our days!
Sanity and order are founded within, in the fundamental qualities and the entire constitution, in the actual Being of the acting subject, the protagonist, which is then the god-like Microcosmos of Cosmos, as an instance and as a proper manifestation of Cosmos.
Thus the systemic distorting media with their inextinguishably infuriated feminist brainwash- managers and personnel are permanently concerned with maliciously slandering, hatefully attacking and meanly swearing at WHITE MALES, which for them (and rightfully!) embody the quintessence of whiteness: The whiteness which they through deep cultural marxist corruption have been conditioned to hate, in a continual masochistic enactment of a fictitious self-confirmation through … self-extinction in effect (at least for those who don’t come from God’s Chosen People, who on their part derive their “holy justification” of their consequently parasitic role as promoters of general dissolution of the Goyim either from Bible and Talmud, or by newer equivalent modern re-formulations of their self-realizing ”raison d᾿ être”, such as the one coming from the Frankfurter Schule and its so widely advertized and systematically promoted mono-ethnic protagonists…)!!!
Some remarks concerning the extreme Feminists…
I often believe to know these blood-thirstily aggressive furies quite well after all, BUT they do nonetheless ever keep surprising me, those unique emancipated creatures, of whom one often thinks, that they must now have lastly reached at the bottom of their raging insanity, but still they keep proving and autistically demonstrating with their well known tone of galloping Hybris, that yet they are each time able to get even more arrogantly insane and perverse, ever more conceited in their boiling derangedness…
In one of those instances, which I am witnessing all the time, a representative of those arrogant maenads (to the dissonant chores of which I do as well count all those androgyn males, who are following them as their sweet and gratefully obedient puppets), who more or less control everything in Denmark, at least everything that has with propaganda dissemination, education and “culture” to do, anyway such a mad de-feminised female radio listener, who was connected during a life-transmition, surprised me once more recently, when she said in the official “danish” radio DR-P1, that men should be sterilized after becoming 50 y.o. for the sake of … gender equality, since women aren’t fertile in that age!!! Again another such one on next day was emphatically preaching, that we should all be so thankful to feminism, among other benivolent effects also because feminism has been so disastrous for the reproduction of the Whites, SO LUCKILY according to her (speaking with no opposition, as usual of course…), because that decimation of the Whites has been a blessing for the … climate and CO2 control!!!
Such extreme psychopathic symptoms do more and more often make me somehow sympathetic toward those parts of the Sharia-law, that concern women, I must humbly admit…
White males have the moral obligation to disappear, if we listen to the several agents and preachers of political correctness and cultural marxism… Either disappear as proper white males by transforming themselves into half- or wholesale effeminate metro- or homosexuals, or even better by mentally or in cases also bodily transgendering!
One couldn’t imagine some decades ago as ever possible what is happening now, as for example a great part of official DR-television & radio in Denmark as well as of the coherent essentially jewish press is directly or indirectly devoted to the process of transgendering, as a main public issue that people have to be thinking about – and likewise to the … “natural right” even of small children who … “feel themselves trapped in a body of the wrong gender” to transgender!!! …and the aggressive deranged perversity of jewish Left & Co. knows no limits!!!
Unfortunately what is happening in Denmark is representing the general situation in Europe and the whole western world…
Manliness is thus, according to all several proponents of cultural marxism and the general dissolution that it promotes, a severe obstacle to the infamous “progress” and “liberty”, which they profess to bring – i.e. that “progress”, which means the total corruption and reversion of any basic healthy taste, natural harmony and order, by dropping every corn of proper Cosmic Order, and any wretched remains of sound instincts and sanity, that still might have been left back – altogether being increasingly incriminated through their cunningly to that end set up and mobilized artificial labels: Labels of artificially distorted misconceptions, which they so devilishly by means of massive propaganda and an all encompassing mental terrorism and intimidation have imposed on public subconsciousness, as though representing the most reprehensible pinnacles of evil – labels such as racism, fascism, nazism etc. As ”progress” continues, labels as ”patriotic”, ”white male”, ”homophobic”, ”stereotypical” and so on are absorbed and incorporated into the same corpus of petrified stupidity of theirs, as weapons for their endeavour to tear anything natural and of true worth down, according to the prescriptions of the infamous jewish School of Frankfurt…
To persist on being a naturally balanced and well-constituted male, a man with manly integrity, with a true man’s Honour, with intact sound male instincts and mentality is thus automatically being assigned these scapegoat labels and artificial ghostly entities, which the despicable infuriated agents of the System so menacingly carry in their poisonous quiver. This entire confused sentimental suggestion of association is altogether set into some artificial and primitively over-simplifying and totally inappropriate jewish frames, that render these new ridiculously over-simplistic terms hardly reminiscent of the real meaning and content of the supposedly true originals of those words, phrases and ideas: Everything is through them being boiled down to a tasteless but in very primitive terms and through massive distorting propaganda gullible pre-fabricated pulp for consumption by the ever more stupid growing and ever more conceited masses of prompt consumers of such mental bullshit, of such a poison that paralyzes any remnants of inner freedom and sanity inside their miserable consumers…
Even worse than persisting on one’s male identity as a man is it considered to persist on white identity, of course – not to mention the … outmost crime of being proud as both, i.e. being proud as a white male!!!
But the System allows for some valves to let the pressure off in a harmless way, I have to somehow admit in order to be fair… So, there is for example today ample opportunity to become a through and through false modern kosher “thinker”/marionette, as long as you never touch the core of the problem, nor its core proponents and promoters, be it on or behind the scene; you are even magnanimously (almost…) justified to be a kosher-“nationalist”, why not – that is even so career-enhancing!
Alternatively or even in parallel (just take a look at Sveriges Demokraterna in Sweden for example) one may become an effeminate trendy poppy whigger of any variable sort, something so modern and common today – and you may then gradually become accepted into the ”engine room” of the democratic system, as one more in oneself empty bearer of the uniquely psychopathic modern Zeitgeist, thus certainly in no way severely threatening their mess, but just giving the false impression of doing so, as true decoys do…
…but now whites are even allowed to be racially conscious!!! – in a uniquely unprecented way though…
The uttermost evil sin according to this jiddisch Zeitgeist of our miserable times is of course being a racially conscious white, right?
Oh, not completely!!!
It is of course the most despicable of all, to be a racially conscious White – but ALL OTHERS do retain their natural right to be racially conscious – and the more anti-white they are, the better for their moral evaluation by the priests and priestesses of Political Correctness!
But there is now also a very special possibility for whites – yes, we have finally some… good news: Because now the whites have actually been granted a very special liberty and right with the blessings of the (totally subverted to cultural marxism!) academic system! Now whites must be both proud and grateful to these … magnanimous commissioners of the System: Finally, let us celebrate it!!!
YES!!! We whites from now on are granted the marvelous and unhoped for right to identify “ourselves” as … blacks, if we wish – what a gift,what an unhoped for privilege!!! See here: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2019/11/18/whites-can-black-wish-says-lecturers-union/? AND fbclid=IwAR3JuMz75V9NDOYZnwSgCgyzeXqHwS-p0zLYYn8587JeoFR8uhjAyI2LSx0
One can be distrustful of one’s eyes and ears in these terrible days…
I think that not even a collision with another planet can wipe out that Hybris, which Modernism and Leftism as expressions of the ruling Zeitgeist embody…
What only may restore the Natural and Cosmic Order is this: A superior order of White Warriors, moulded by the authentic formative power of Blood and Spirit, ready to die and to live, able to destroy and to revive!
https://www.bitchute.com/video/xDr2SMz6BKjA/? fbclid=IwAR1JqbeYdMqPUfTEWS1x8v7LBz6UZrB16ISihtyklr8UTBJkToFkWL0-KVw
The only way out of this monstrous decay can be opened by the New Man.
A new but at the same time primeval re-born Aryan Man, bearer of the same germ of heroic Will and indomitable spirit like at the Dawn of History, only adapted for the peculiarly subtle challenges of our devilish times.
What is acutely needed throughout the whole white world is an Order of racially and spiritually conscious men, bearers of the unspoiled and uncompromized manly character in its brightest manifestations – thus an Order that shall be able to direct, to form, to annihilate – and to create!
Nothing less than that may have any theoretical chance of reversing the deadly course of Europe! This is our message, this is the philosophy of ARMA.