The idea that we know the global temperature today is absurd in itself. But the idea that we actually know what it was on a given day 100 years ago, or 1000 years ago, never mind thousands of years ago is sheer fraud.
And the claim that it is hotter now than 5000 years ago is a total lie – there is abundant evidence that it was much warmer then.
And as always with all of these silly scare stories, they cherry pick some high temperatures in the Arctic, knowing that the public will find them alarming because they assume the Arctic is always freezing normally.

Previous Years
The recorded global temperature for previous years:
A couple of things. First these data will be from satellite data, so only cover the last 40 years and how accurate can these be over such a large area as a planet – particular with cloud and vegetation cover making data-gathering inconsistent. Second, as a matter of common, scientific sense the idea that the calculation of a global average temperature can be made to an accuracy of hundredths of a degree is utter nonsense. If you were to measure the shade temperature in your own garden it would vary by whole degrees from one part to another and from one height to another, so the idea that they know the ‘global average’ temperature was 17.01C or whatever is scientifically illiterate. Where are estimates for accuracy, which I am sure would be + or – several degrees. Finally, the ‘scientist’ quoted clearly has no proper knowledge of palaeoclimatology. There is universal evidence of warmer spells within the time of humans on earth and we know there was the medieval warm spell, the Roman warm spell, not to mention the Holocene warming. All the evidence of a huge quantity of scientific literature estimates the Holocene warmer than the present day – with ice-free arctic, etc.
Sorry, but they are not misguided fools, unlike the Just Stop Oil useful ignoramuses. We know the scam and they know exactly what they are doing. It is criminality, fraud, as Paul says. Just look at how the MET office is warping the CET record, a gold standard of historical record, to produce their desired temperature rise.
eedsChris PERMALINKJuly 6, 2023 8:32 pm
Actually you are likely correct – which makes the data even less trustworthy. In addition to the UAH satellite based monitoring (which traditionally has noted a lesser increase in temperature over time – and is the graph you show above) there is the RSS (Remote Sensing Systems) satellite monitoring. But in addition there are other datasets from NOAA and GISTEMP and HadCRUT – but these are based on land and sea temperature monitoring and a lot of ‘black box’ computer work to fill in the huge gaps across a lot of the globe!