The embitterment of the youth by the United Nations.
The United Nations is undoubtedly a felonious globalist organisation that is run under the veil of “humanitarianism”, purposed to cancel the existence of the European nations and construct an easily controllable, unidentified mixed mass so to assist the greedy instincts of the international Jewry (also known as the global markets). By the first day of its existence in the post WWII world, United Nations struggled to eliminate any real national freedom and initiative by making the states subject to international conventions, mainly introduced by the United States, aiming to suppress the nations under a new order which will practically enforce the infamous freemasonry slogan of ‘liberty, equality, fraternity’; of course under the international Zionist supervision. Although, behind these nice sounding words and the dishonest promises for eternal peace and absolute social liberty lies a terrible and definitely imminent global reality which has already infected all major cities of Europe where “diversity” has been brutally enforced, leading to the racial and moral degeneration of the indigenous populations. Today, the United Nations shows without hesitation its true face by revealing its intention to impose the application of an “education” plan named ‘Education for Global Citizenship: Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals Together’ targeting the very youth of our nations and introducing a new edification state policy which will prepare our children to become “international citizens” and partake in the impending extermination of our race.