University students demand philosophers such as Plato and Kant are removed from syllabus … because they are white!!!

Ὁ σύλλογος φοιτητῶν τῆς Σχολῆς Ἀνατολικῶν καὶ Ἀφρικανικῶν Σουδῶν Παν/μίου τοῦ Λονδίνου ἀπαιτοῦν τὴν ἀφαίρεσιν ἐκ τῆς διδακτέας ὕλης φιλοσόφων ὅπως ὁ Πλάτων καὶ ὁ Κάντ, ἐπειδὴ εἶναι λευκοί, ἀπαιτώντας ν΄ ἀσχολοῦνται κατὰ βάσιν μὲ φιλοσόφους … ἀφρικανικῆς καὶ ἀσιατικῆς καταγωγῆς!!!

Ἐν τῷ μεταξὺ ὁ λαϊκισμὸς καὶ τὰ συναφῆ φαινόμενα Ἀντιστροφῆς προελαύνουν καὶ σαρώνουν τὰ πανεπιστήμια τῆς Μ. Βρεττανίας, ἀπειλώντας ν᾿ ἀνατρέψουν καὶ τὰ τελευταῖα προπύργια σοβαρότητος ἂν ἐπικρατήσῃ τὸ διακομματικὸν ῥεῦμα τῆς Βουλῆς τῶν Λόρδων νὰ θέσουν εἰς τὸ ἐπίκεντρον τῆς κατατάξεως τῶν Πανεπιστημιων τὶς ἀξιολογήσεις ὑπὸ τῶν ἰδίων τῶν φοιτητῶν!
Students at a prestigious London university are demanding that figures such as Plato, Descartes and Immanuel Kant should be largely dropped from the curriculum because they are white.
The student union at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) insists that when studying philosophy “the majority of philosophers on our courses” should be from Africa and Asia.
Universities will be namely forced to pander to the demands of “snowflake” students if controversial changes to the ranking system are approved, as education leaders have warned.
The Government faces a cross-party revolt in the Lords this week over proposed reforms to higher education, which include placing student satisfaction at the heart of a new ranking system.
It is feared that this will lead to a “fantastically dangerous” culture where authorities will give in to student demands, however unreasonable they may be.