The annihilated “Future” of Europe/ Ἡ ὑπεράσπισις τῶν Εὐρωπαϊκῶν Πατρίδων ὡς ὕψιστον Καθῆκον.
The annihilated “Future” of Europe…
While the indeed small minority of true European nationalists and traditionalists tends to expand, the System is in its panic forced to resort to its most filthy, subhumanly vicious and devilish methods to protect its vampire-life source.
The cited video, presented in german public channel ZDF, demonstrates the sour reality of our time: the self-conscious part of the German people, who stand up against multiculturalism and degeneration, are being depicted as miserable and hateful antisocial creatures, representing “the past”. At the same time, the puke of society, a filthy mass, that includes homosexual priests, disgusting transvestites, unidentifiable half-breeds, Jews and Muslim immigrants and so on, are highlighted as the “future” of Germany, which shall apparently dominate by violently silencing all those, who oppose the horrible abyss this abhorrent mass represents, by clinging to their right and duty to be themselves, that is, to be free and natural.