1. The Spiritual Significance of the White Stag Killed by Police in Britain:
“A rare white deer was shot dead by police after it was spotted running through the streets of a town. People in Bootle, Merseyside were shocked when they saw the wild animal roaming about on Sunday morning. The RSPCA said it had advised police to “leave the deer as it would make its own way back home” eventually. But Merseyside Police said officers decided to euthanise the deer after growing concerns it might be dangerous for motorists and pedestrians.“
Αντιγράφουμε από το κανάλι “ΠΑΡΑΤΗΡΗΤΗΡΙΟ ΕΛΛΗΝΟΦΩΝΩΝ ΓΡΑΙΚΥΛΩΝ” την περιγραφή του παρακάτω βίντεο:
Η Ingrid Carlqvist είναι μια δημοσιογράφος από τη Σουηδία που ενημερώνει τον έξω κόσμο για το τι πραγματικά συμβαίνει με το λαθρομεταναστευτικό εφόσον όλα τα τοπικά ΜΜΕ συστηματικά αποκρύπτουν τις αλήθειες που πονάνε, ότι το μοντέλο της πολυπολιτισμικότητας απέτυχε εκεί παταγωδώς . Δίνει συνέντευξη στον ιντερνετικό πατριωτικό ραδιοσταθμό Red Ice . [ΣΥΝΕΧΕΙΑ/MORE]
Tens of of volumes can be written about the mental reverse that is caused by the leftist ideas, which are so rotten that can unconsciously eliminate even the last drop of logic from the victim which has unfortunately adopted them. A rather recent and quite inclusive example is Selin Goren, a national spokeswoman of the Linksjugend Solid movement, an offshoot of the German Left Party. Goren was assaulted and raped by three “refugees” in Mannheim last January but, as she admitted in Der Spiegel newspaper, she lied to the police and misled them regarding the ethnicity of the rapists so to avoid causing public “racial hatred” against the “refugees” and the exploitation of her story by “far-right” organisations. She believes that her rape was a result of the racist and sexist mentality of the German society and there should be no blame towards merely individuals, who are actually the victims (!!!) of the whole situation.
After a long period of orchestrated silence by the media and the police, the European folk was apparently informed about the unprecedented rape purge that took place in in Cologne and other cities of Germany during the 2016 New Year’s Eve. Then, it became evident that the delay of media coverage was a result of a political cover-up, as the traitors of the German people who identify themselves as German government understood that the publication of the events would have a negative effect on the public’s mentality towards the massive invasion of immigrants that was (and still is) taking place in Europe, i.e. that the publication would awaken the indeed hypnotised German citizens and turn them against the invaders of their land.
The United Nations is undoubtedly a felonious globalist organisation that is run under the veil of “humanitarianism”, purposed to cancel the existence of the European nations and construct an easily controllable, unidentified mixed mass so to assist the greedy instincts of the international Jewry (also known as the global markets). By the first day of its existence in the post WWII world, United Nations struggled to eliminate any real national freedom and initiative by making the states subject to international conventions, mainly introduced by the United States, aiming to suppress the nations under a new order which will practically enforce the infamous freemasonry slogan of ‘liberty, equality, fraternity’; of course under the international Zionist supervision.
Παραθέτουμε σε τρία αποσπάσματα το ιστορικό “ντοκιμαντέρ” της Ιρανικής τηλεοράσεως με τίτλο “Το Ολοκαύτωμα- οι έμποροι του μύθου”, το οποίο αξιοποιώντας την επιστημονική συνεισφορά ιστορικών μελετητών αντικρούει τους μύθους περί Εβραϊκού “Ολοκαυτώματος” κατά την περίοδο του δευτέρου παγκοσμίου πολέμου.
During the course of my investigations into Nordic racial history, I have gathered together some rather interesting material on the presence of the Nordic race in the Classical World. Of particular value, are the researches of J. L. Angel, who performed an xtensive survey of all ancient Greek crania. Angel analysed these skulls from a typological perspective, and because of the position he took on the reality of race, he was subsequently much criticised by his contemporaries.
We may note that Angel (1944), calculated that during the Classical period of Greek history (650-150 BC), 27% of the Greek population had been predominantly Nordic in type. He observed that prior to the Classical period, the Nordic element had been larger, and that after it, the element in question had declined. [Angel (1943; 1944; 1945; 1946a, b, c.] Angel (1971), also noted that the immigrant Indo -Europeans, were of Nordic subrace.
Peterson (1974), studied portrait busts of famous ancient Greek personages, and concluded that the aristocracies of Hellas were a product of closely interbreeding, Eupatrid clans. These clans were mostly Nordic in type, being largely descended from the Indo-European invaders. The demos, or common people however, as well as most slaves, were of Mediterranean, Pelasgian descent.
Very recently I was involved into a short dialogue with a Jewish University professor and local president of the well-known Jewish organization B’naiB’rith; he received a widely emitted Greek e-mail of mine, which was an answer to a totally stupid but very widespread round-letter of a net site – and, somehow, he probably misunderstood it. He claims to be able to communicate in Greek, I do not know at what level.
What is especially interesting is that, although he sent me a short answer and keeps sending me some of his announcements, he did not even simply deny the (evident!) truth of the solid corpus of my arguments expressed in my main letter to him.
To begin with, he had sent me the following comment on my initial Greek letter – and especially, as it turned out, on the net-links contained in that:
As many are likely aware, February 13th marks the 67th anniversary of the fire bombing of Dresden, Germany during WWII. The event took place from February 13-15, and is one of the only parts of world war two that can literally be described as a holocaust. Just for reference, a holocaust is a burnt offering, as I have highlighted before, but feel free to look HERE and see for yourself.
If you do look for yourself, you’ll quickly see that the “holocaust” has come to almost exclusively mean the deaths of six million jews, supposedly murdered by the Germans during WWII. This is simply propaganda, as I’ve stated before, so many times that I’m actually getting deja vu typing it out again. The only definition to concern one’s self with is the fact that holocaust means, literally, “burnt offering”.
The bombing of Dresden fits this description accurately. The city was (falsely) described as a military target, when in reality it was a cultural center of Europe known for it’s beautiful Baroque architecture more than anything else. Dresden was largely untouched during WWII, but that all ended on February 13th, the day before Valentine’s Day. Unfortunately, those who had set their sites on Dresden were nothing like Cupid, and they had no interest in spreading love. Instead it was allied bombers dropping thousands of tons of incendiary bombs on a civilian population in the most barbaric, inhumane firebombing in history.
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