Convivencia and Propaganda
Convivencia” is a Spanish word that means in direct translation coexistence, being together or better living together used to describe the era of medieval 13th century muslim occupied Spain when Spaniards, Arabs and Jews lived together in the urban centers of the Iberian peninsula under the rule of the Arab conquerors. Despite its neutral literal meaning it was recently very eloquently used in a well-filmed documentary of British production to describe the “peaceful” coexistence of these three folks and racial groups and express it as an achievement and even more as an ideal goal for the present and future coexistence of these people in modern Europe. This documentary was a very convincing piece of propaganda recently showed in television which, as usually is the case, neglected historical truth, disorientated the dull European audience (to which it was addressed), made false assumptions and iradical conclusions which undoubtedly were never noticed by the naïve spectators who once more fell victims of the “documentary’s” superficial seriousness, pompous language and thrilling scenery of medieval Spain. Our means of reaching people are very restricted but it is our duty to stand up to these lies anyway we can and never allow these poisonous filth unanswered anyway possible, and no means of response is “weak” or “inadequate”, only a non-response is such…